Sun Screen
This abstract project is a sun screen designed in a 9'x18'x9' space. The screen is designed around the theme of juxtaposition. This is evident in the materiality of the screen and the shadows cast. The frame of the screen is a thick, solid wood frame, which is then juxtaposed by the thin, taut "skins" on the inner and outer edge of the slot within the screen. These screens are made of a sheet of laser cut steel and a lace pattern. The outer, metal "skin" is cut in a clear, geometric pattern while the inner lace "skin" creates holes in a more organic pattern. The metal skin is obviously strong and impermeable where it is not cut, which is juxtaposed by the lace, which is more translucent by nature. Thus, the metal will cast clearly defined shadows but the lace will cast shadows with a hazier effect. Additionally, the slot allows a person to pass through, between the two layers casting shadows. This juxtaposes the slow moving shadows of the screens due to the movement of the sun with the quickly changing shadows of the person. This screen is intended for the summer solstice, and so an impression has been made in the ground (which is otherwise plain bluestone pavers) which will align with a circular shadows cast by an element in the middle of the metal shape.